Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What is the Difference Between Software Support and Software Maintenance?

The terms software support and software maintenance are often used interchangeably. At Origina, the two represent categories which are used to differentiate between traditional vendor support and the next generation of software support.

Origina views software support as a service which keeps applications running at peak performance through regular identification and resolution of incidents. This is what IBM customers have come to know and expect when the term software support is used.

Software maintenance is the next evolution of software support. Origina’s independent Global IBM® Experts take a proactive approach to maximizing the performance, stability, security and value of customers’ IBM software through a value-rich service offering. These services are an extension to our core service – traditional software support – and can help companies discover the true return on investment their IBM products can hold.

The value-rich service offering isn’t hidden behind lock and key. Customer technical teams can take advantage of these services through the quarterly Meet-the-Experts sessions, which give them a chance to seek advice and consultation from IBM product experts. These sessions amplify the value of a true software support partner and enables Origina to assist customers in executing on their IT roadmap.

To learn more about Origina’s software support, click here.

To learn more about Origina’s software maintenance, click here.

What is Third-Party Software Maintenance?

Third-party software maintenance is the independent alternative to vendor-provided software maintenance.

Though commonly used interchangeably, Origina makes a clear distinction between its software maintenance and software support services. When leveraged correctly, software maintenance unlocks the potential value that isn’t tapped with a traditional software support model.

Software maintenance relies on value-added service to maintain the longevity of IBM software and extend its return on investment for the customer. It differs from traditional software support in that it’s present in a proactive or preventative strategy – which seeks to integrate the product’s upkeep with the IT roadmap – rather than a reactive strategy, which is acutely focused on resolving incidents.

Origina’s software maintenance service unlocks the true potential of IBM software in a way that the vendor won’t be able to provide. Through Meet-The-Expert sessions, Origina’s independent Global IBM® Experts can consult on a variety of projects or requirements surrounding the IBM product in question. Potential outcomes include interoperability validation, solution architecture optimization and even the creation of new features.