Rethinking Patch-First Approach: Effective Strategies for Securing Your Business Technology

Rethinking Patch-First Approach: Effective Strategies for Securing Your Business Technology

Software security patches can’t consider your unique business and technology context. When securing your software estate, a fuller view of security and performance is necessary. Learn more about a multi-layer approach that does more than tick a box.

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Cybersecurity Rated No. 1 Risk to Business in 2022

Cybersecurity Rated No. 1 Risk to Business in 2022

Risk management experts rate cybersecurity as the biggest problem affecting businesses today. Here are a few strategies to safeguard your systems.

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Spring4Shell Vulnerability Update - April 8, 2022

Spring4Shell Vulnerability Update - April 8, 2022

Origina has been working with our Global IBM Experts and partners to analyze both CVE-2022-22965 & CVE-2022-22963 (Spring4Shell) critical vulnerabilities to determine if this vulnerability impacts IBM products.

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Spring4Shell Vulnerability Update - April 6, 2022

Spring4Shell Vulnerability Update - April 6, 2022

At time of posting, Origina is working with our Global IBM Experts and partners to analyse CVE-2022-22965 (Spring4Shell) vulnerability to determine if this vulnerability impacts IBM products, which to our knowledge, has yet to be disclosed by IBM.

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Log4Shell Update – December 16, 2021

Log4Shell Update – December 16, 2021

2.16.0 Logj is the latest! At least two vulnerabilities in the patch, released as Log4J 2.15.0, and that attackers are actively exploiting one or both of them against real-world targets who have already applied the update.

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Log4Shell Vulnerability Update - December 15, 2021

Log4Shell Vulnerability Update - December 15, 2021

The impact of the Log4Shell vulnerability is being felt all over the world, and the situation continues to evolve. If you require support, please feel free to reach out to us.

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Log4Shell Vulnerability Update - December 13, 2021

Log4Shell Vulnerability Update - December 13, 2021

Log4j version 1.x is not impacted. However, please ensure due diligence when identifying all instances of Log4j within your environment. Potential locations of Log4j include...

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EU Cyber Month October 2021