This famously magical recreation spot just outside of Paris has charmed hundreds of millions of global visitors since 1992. The first and only Disney resort located in Europe, the compound contains seven themed hotels and two theme parks and plans to break ground on several exciting new initiatives soon.

Disneyland Paris is the second largest Disney park overall, trailing only Shanghai Disneyland Park, and spans some 140 acres. Their 17,000 strong list of Cast Members (employees) hail from over 120 countries.


    Media & Entertainment





  • 35 total IBM® software products, including:
  • IBM® WebSphere
  • IBM® WebSphere IBM® Content Collector
  • IBM® Content Manager OnDemand
  • IBM® MQSeries
  • IBM® Tivoli Composite Application Manager
  • IBM® Informix

With 35 IBM® software products needing various types of migration and ongoing support, Disneyland Paris knew it would be essential to find a partner that fully understood the context of their IT estate.



Disneyland Paris is thriving, and positive change is coming fast. Rejuvenated by a return to original ownership and record-breaking post-pandemic revenues, the iconic destination – the only Disney resort in all of Europe – has plans to add several important guest enhancements and attractions. New IT leadership desired to move away from several solutions in their evolving IT estate for various reasons, including 35 IBM® software products, several of which were perpetually updated versions of software that had been running for over 25 years.

By choosing to invest in new ecosystems instead of overcommitting to software and maintenance agreements they ultimately wished to move away from, the resort displayed the same flair for creative innovation its parent company had made part of the brand from day one. But every piece of software in a highly interdependent, long-serving enterprise estate has unique needs, a different exit plan, and its own transition timeline. Not all products in the estate presented obvious next steps, and a high percentage of the software would require a strategy that weighed the business’s growth plans, current tech capabilities, migration strategy, and possible interdependencies across several potential migration options.



Disneyland Paris needed a partner that could help keep their IBM estate running optimally for extended periods and offer advice on both ground-level and strategic aspects of the ongoing migration. Every project required individualized support and guidance. With 35 IBM® software products ultimately needing to be managed, maintained, or migrated, leadership also understood the importance of a comprehensive strategy capable of accounting for complexities that arise within the ecosystem.

Crossing paths with Origina was a touch of perfect timing that will prove to pay out dividends for at least the next half-decade as Disneyland Paris rolls out and implements its new plans. The first step in our expansive maintenance project with the resort’s team involved a complete review of every IBM product in the estate. Based on the findings of Origina’s global independent IBM® software experts, we were able to offer a five-year maintenance plan that would allow Disneyland Paris to keep the software they had for as long as they wanted and move to their desired next platform(s) at their leisure. This provides Disney with a safe harbor to evaluate and implement their options without the fear of time pressures. Our team also supplied an ongoing migration and modernization strategy to lessen the inherent pressure of a highly involved 35-product changeover.

Because they trusted our strategy enough to give us keys to the Magic Kingdom, or rather IBM® estate at once, we were able to identify and deliver a total of $3 million in software support savings throughout the IT stack, compared to what the Disneyland Paris team would have paid by sticking with the OEM’s maintenance track.

But the difference in approach is what truly matters for Disneyland Paris’s project. With Origina on hand, the team won’t need to update versions to keep receiving support on the business-critical software it is phasing out. And that means Disneyland Paris will not need to enter (or extend) support agreements that could counteract its ability to move a given piece of the infrastructure when its plan dictates.

Instead, the Disneyland Paris team received active guidance from Origina IBM® experts who are first and foremost interested in helping them identify and follow through on any next steps they require – a necessity for a world-class business with a truly unique offering and one-of-a-kind tech stack.

With $3 million more in the innovation budget and expert independent IBM software support from Origina, Disneyland Paris found the best path forward for its IT roadmap.


By choosing Origina for their expansive multiyear maintenance project, Disneyland Paris achieved:

  • $3 million savings in IT maintenance costs that can be reinvested into innovation initiatives

  • A high-dollar victory for the incoming team to share with leadership

  • Concierge-level support, maintenance, and security for the IBM software running under the resort’s hood

  • Guidance and active service on tricky migration tasks that originate in the legacy estate

Extend your IBM software estate, not your support spending.

Reach out for a free consult and see how Origina can help your IT roadmap evolve on your terms.

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