Nobody Ever Got Fired for Buying IBM (And Other Too-Safe Thinking)

Nobody Ever Got Fired for Buying IBM (And Other Too-Safe Thinking)

The business technology landscape looks nothing like it did in the ‘80s or ‘90s. Why do we continue to place our trust in untrue “truisms” from those eras that land companies in bad spots?

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The Pitfalls of Vendor-Driven IT Roadmaps: How to Regain Control of Your Technology

The Pitfalls of Vendor-Driven IT Roadmaps: How to Regain Control of Your Technology

Companies that stay locked in vendor contracts often struggle to advance their digital agendas. When megavendors make decisions about product longevity, upgrade frequency, and price changes with no customer input, the customer loses control.

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The Silicon Valley Bank Collapse: How Will Your Tech Spending Be Affected?

The Silicon Valley Bank Collapse: How Will Your Tech Spending Be Affected?

What will the business tech landscape look like post-SVB? It’s hard to say, but conservative spending trends and technology outlooks are likely. Learn how TPSM can help companies reduce IT spending in uncertain financial times.

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A Seismic Shift in IT

A Seismic Shift in IT

Former Forrester VP and Principal Analyst John C. McCarthy thinks businesses will rely more on technology, not less, as we mitigate through inflation. Read how you can adapt for the future while also trimming IT costs.

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Demystifying Software Licenses

Demystifying Software Licenses

Origina General Counsel Guy Tritton discusses licenses, software agreements, and what can save you from being in breach of contract. Guy specializes in intellectual property rights and has appeared before every major court in the U.K. and Europe.

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Becoming a Healthy Skeptic

Becoming a Healthy Skeptic

Discover ways to evaluate and optimize your digital agenda to ensure you are getting the most out of your current technology. 

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The Challenge of Driving Innovation Under Pressure of Inflation

The Challenge of Driving Innovation Under Pressure of Inflation

In today’s world, CIOs and IT decision-makers must balance investing in smart products with lowering overall technology costs. Discover how to thrive in the software-is-the-brand world while also trimming your IT spend.

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3 Steps for Evaluating Third-Party Software Support

3 Steps for Evaluating Third-Party Software Support

A 2022 Gartner Report calls third-party support and maintenance a “quick win” and offers ways to assess whether it is the right move for you.

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IT Roadmap Decisions, Meet the “Right to Repair” Movement

IT Roadmap Decisions, Meet the “Right to Repair” Movement

Discover how the “Right to Repair” movement is putting CIOs and their teams back in the driver’s seat when it comes to decisions about their legacy IT estate.

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Who’s got the skills to maintain your mainframe software?

Who’s got the skills to maintain your mainframe software?

Organizations reliant upon mainframes for critical business operations are facing a lack of skilled technical support resources within their in-house team and at major software vendors, which can create downtime emergencies.

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Mainframes Still Matter. Let’s Give Them the Support They Deserve

Mainframes Still Matter. Let’s Give Them the Support They Deserve

Thanks to their unparalleled stability and reliability, mainframes still power the world’s leading businesses. Learn more about third-party support for IBM Z series mainframes

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The Business Case for Regaining Control of Your IT Roadmap

The Business Case for Regaining Control of Your IT Roadmap

Breaking free of costly service agreements is only one of the benefits of controlling your IT roadmap. With a modern, multi-vendor approach to IT infrastructure, your business can build a strong case for transformation.

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